- not on the Delay pages: SSB Delay (see Effects/Frequency), PitchShift Delay (see Effects/Pitch), Flexor PitcherEngineFB (see Effects/Granular).
- the timing of all CW delays (except the standard Delay module) is dependent on ULLI settings, so the displayed delay time may not be correct
- mod delay shows the exact delaytime - but doubled, eg if it’s set to 10.00ms, the correct delaytime is 5.00ms.
Default installation path: .../Effects/Delay/
max delay time 680 ms dspLoad 6.40/5.70/4.40
(By default this module is installed in Effects/Tempo.)
Stereo delay with optional cross feedback. In manual mode, max. delay time is 4000ms; if synchronized to MidiClock, longer delays can be achieved (eg 120bpm, freqDiv24/256=> max. delay time is 5333ms). dspLoad 9.00/5.90/5.90
polyphonic dsp delay which delaytime can be modulated, suitable for chorus or flanger effects.
Max. DT: 21.33ms. dspLoad 9.00/-
max delay time 5460 ms dspLoad 6.40/5.70/4.40
BBdelays consist of a series of clocked delay registers. the amount of clocks determines the delay time. DT 0-0.58sec.
mp3: sine, sine_FreqMod dspLoad 11.80/8.60/8.60
This delay can be “played” like a normal Osc, if MVC Freq is connected to FreqMod. The output signal changes it's pitch corresponding to the notes played on the keyboard.
delaytime 0-0.021sec. dspLoad 15.70/12.50/-
mp3 :FreqMod_coa+24; FreqMod_coa-24
some issues with this module, see here and here.
If it works, fantastic module.
mp3: sine. sine_FreqMod dspLoad 3.90/3.00/1.90
as above, shorter delaytime. dspLoad 3.90/3.00/1.90
2 channel 1k modulation delay.
Delaytime, modulation sources, modulation range and modulation offset can be linked.
Max. polyphony: 3
CWM download
Actually 16 delays under the hood, which' delaytimes depend on logarithmic calculations.
CWM download